Watcher Signal

Blog SilentVerse

WARNING: Message Is Corrupted. WARNING: Message is CorrUpteD. WARNING: CoRrUpTed MessAgE.

Hello? I don’t have many time. You have to stop him. The Watcher! He’s there with you now. You don’t understand what’s at stake. If he succeeded even once, he will have always succeeded.

Error: unstable connection. Attempting reconnection….

…… Connection established.

You’re here. I’m surprised to see that you got this far, kiddo. It’s too early to be so late to this party-


Establishing Connection parameters, please Standby.

Please Standby.

Please Standby.


Attention all personnel. An extremist organization has infiltrated the New Heaven City Hall building. Suspects are considered armed and dangerous. Do not attempt to engage these hostiles.

—Long live the Queen. Long live the King. —


Breaking News: New Heaven’s own City Hall has been taken over by an extremist group calling themselves the ‘Undermakers.’ According to preliminary reports, our Mayor Landon Finsk is still inside the building at this time. Local authorities have—- been EliMinATeD.

Connection Failed.

Error: Original Connection Lost.


What’s wrong, kiddo? You seem a little distracted. All of this business with Landon Finsk isn’t going to get you anywhere. He didn’t call the Undermakers here. He took those children. He took those children. He tookkkkkkkk….them….. away……..

Connection Link Established.

Journal Entry #37: These experiments have gone too far. I’ve been quiet about them for too long because I, too, was seduced by the promise of scientific advancement. Viktor has gone too far, even getting his own son involved in the experiments. Dozens of children came into the lab. Only a handful of them are left. Where are the children going?

Journal Entry #43: I’ve been having migraines. It was subtle at first; something I thought was caused by too much coffee or exposure to the lights of the lab, but now… I’m not so sure. It seems to get worse the longer I am exposed to the children undergoing the experiments. After each test, I can feel the throbbing in my head. I’ve talked to my coworkers about it, but nobody seems to be having any adverse reactions. Well, none that anyone has reported. Is this because I raised objections to Viktor about the experiments?

Journal Entry #52: I can feel it. I’m bleeding into this journal. Nothing feels real anymore. Whenever I wake, I can hear it. Mumbled screaming. Scratching sounds. Loud, irregular thumping. The children have been acting differently around me. They have a new friend. Nobody else knows but me. I can’t get them to tell me their friend’s name. The children have told me that I can hear their friend. I don’t know what they mean. All I can hear is the screaming. It screams. It’s in pain. It wants free from its torment. WE’re HurTinG iT. It MuSt Be FrEe…..

Connection Restored.

You’re getting closer. You can pat yourself on the back as much as you’d like. Is it enough? Can you do what needs to be done? We’ll talk soon, kiddo.

Your message has been sent. Goodbye!